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已鑑別之使用者通行碼 principal password
主要計劃 principal plane
主要平面 principal plane
主要點 principal point
主暫存器集 principal register set
原則群組 principle group
選擇原則 principle item
比較優勢原則 principle of comparative advantage
互補性原則 principle of complementarity
經濟規模原則 principle of economies of scale
低機率事件原則 principle of events of low probability
互斥原理 principle of exclusion
最少努力原則;最低工作原則 principle of least effort
最小特權原則 principle of least privilege
極限設計原理 principle of limit design,PLD
局部性原理 principle of locality
最大自律性原則 principle of maximal autonomy
最佳化原則 principle of optimality
潛在命令冗餘原則 principle of redundancy of potential command
相對性原則 principle of relativity
自我組織原則 principle of self-organization
次最佳化原理 principle of suboptimization
疊加原則 principle of superposition
列印,印 print
列印屬性 print attribute
列印球 print ball
印字帶 print band
列印橫條 print bar
列印桶 print barrel
列印緩衝區 print buffer
列印鍊 print chain
列印字元產生器 print character generator,PCG
印字反襯比 print contrast ratic
列印反襯比 print contrast ratio
列印反襯信號 print contrast signal,PCS
列印控制字元 print control character
列印控制物件 print control object
列印控制單元 print control unit,PCU
印字杯形 print cup
列印資料檔案 print data file
列印資料集 print data set
列印資料流 print data stream
列印密度 print density
列印裝置 print device
列印方向 print direction
列印磁鼓 print drum
列印錯誤 print errors
列印檔案 print file
列印表格 print form
列印格式 print format
列印格式器 print formatter
列印功能 print function
列印頭 print head
列印保留狀態 print hold state
印影像 print image
列印資訊表格 print information form
列印截取常式 print intercept routine
列印介面 print interface
印字聯鎖時間 print interlock time
列印工件 print job
列印工件組態 print job configuration
列印標號 print labeling
列印行 print line
列印行緩衝器位址暫存器 print line buffer address register,PLBAR
列印行緩衝器 print line buffer,PLB
列印行密度 print line density
列印列表 print list
印刷當地功能 print local function
列印管理設施 print management facility
列印機件 print member
列印模式 print mode
列印出 print out
列印型樣產生器 print pattern generator,PPG
印刷編排 print planning
列印位置 print position
列印位置密度 print position density
列印預視 print preview
列印處理機 print processor
列印品質 print quality
列印品質等級 print quality level
列印品質標準型樣 print quality standard pattern
列印佇列 print queue
印字記錄 print record
印字記錄標頭 print record header
列印請求者 print requester
列印資源 print resources
列印復原 print restore
列印數 print run
列印螢幕資料 print screen
列印螢幕鍵 print screen key
列印伺服器 print server
列印服務存取設施 print services access facility
列印服務設施 print services facility,PSF
OS/2用列印服務設施 Print Services Facility/2
MVS用列印服務設施 Print Services Facility/MVS
VM用列印服務設施 Print Services Facility/VM
VSE用列印服務設施 Print Services Facility/VSE
列印設定 print setting
列印設定選項單 print settings menu
列印速率 print speed
列印排存器 print spooler
列印排存 print spooling
列印起始 print start
列印起始位元 print start bit
列印提交器 print submitter
列印抑制 print suppression
列印表面 print surface
列印通過 print through
印字定時度盤 print timing dial
列印至檔案 print to a file
列印至磁帶 print to tape
列印鍊 print train
印字透通 print transparent
列印單位 print unit
列印值 print value
列印輪 print wheel
列印視窗 print window
列印工作目錄 print working directory
列印區 print zones
列印/繪圖選項 print/plot option
印刷適性 printability
可列印區域 printable area
可列印群 printable group
可列印項 printable item
印刷卡形式 printed card form
印刷電路組合 printed circuit assembly,PCA
印製電路板 printed circuit block
印刷電路板測試 printed circuit board  testing
印刷電路板製造過程 printed circuit board fabricating processes
印刷電路板格式 printed circuit board layout
印刷電路板劃分 printed circuit board partition
印刷電路板選路 printed circuit board routing
印刷電路板插座 printed circuit board socket,PCBS
印刷電路板測試語言 printed circuit board test language
印刷電路板 printed circuit board,PCB
印刷電路板 printed circuit boards
印刷電路卡 printed circuit card
印刷電路連接器 printed circuit connector
印刷電路板插座 printed circuit edge connector
印刷電路產生器,印刷電路生成程序 printed circuit generator,PCG
印刷電路焊接 printed circuit soldering
印刷電路 printed circuit,PC
印刷組件 printed component
印刷接觸 printed contact
印刷元件 printed element
印刷體漢字辨識 printed Hanzi recognition
印刷紙封殼 printed paper case
印刷接線 printed wiring
印刷電路設計 printed-circnit design
印刷電路缺陷 printed-circuit defects
印刷電路鍍金 printed-circuit gold plating
印刷電路鍍鎳 printed-circuit nickel plating
印刷電路鍍銠 printed-circuit rhodium plating
印刷電路鍍銲料 printed-circuit solder plating
印刷電路特種漆 printed-circuit special lacquers
印刷電路開開 printed-circuit switch
列印機 printer
列印機存取協定 Printer Access Protocol
列印機緩衝區 printer buffer
列印機纜線 printer cable
列印機通信配接器 printer communications adapter,PCA
列印機控制塊 printer control block
列印機控制命令 printer control command
列印機控制鍵 printer control key
列印機控制關鍵字 printer control keyword
列印機控制語言 printer control language,PCL
列印機控制標誌 printer control markers
列印機控制模式 printer control mode
列印機內定字型 printer default font
列印機定義表 printer definition tables
列印機驅動器 printer driver
列印機錯誤 printer error
列印機檔案 printer file
列印機表格 printer form
列印機介面 printer interface,PRI
印字機岔斷 printer interrupts
列印機庫存 Printer Inventory
印字數限制 printer limited
列印機邊際 printer margin
列印機機制 printer mechanism
列印機號碼 printer number
印字機作業速度 printer operating speed
列印機操作 printer operation
印字機繪圖器 printer plottci
列印繪圖機 printer plotter
列印機埠 printer port
列印機佇列 printer queue
列印機伺服器 printer server
列印機設定 printer setting
列印機分享 printer sharing
列印機跨越 printer skipping
列印間距圖 printer spacing chart
印字機速度 printer speed
列印站 printer station
列印機狀態欄 printer status field
列印機狀態訊息 printer status message
列印機表 printer table
列印終端機 printer terminal
印字機終端組件 printer terminal components
列印機類型 printer type
印字數印字模 printer type bar
列印機非操作狀態 printer unoperable state
列印機/顯示器格式 printer/display layout
印字機字型 printerfacing
列印機參數構件 printer-parameter member
列印機常駐字型 printer-resident font
列印錯誤標誌 print-error marker
印字機/終端機介面 printer-terminal interface
列印頭解析度 printhead resolution
列印 printing
列印基線 printing baseline
列印計算器,列印計算機 printing calculator
印字控制 printing control
印字計數器 printing counter
列印討論 printing discussion
列印文件表格 printing document form
曬版 printing down
列印設備 printing equipment
印刷壓力 printing pressure
印刷順序 printing sequence
製版畫 print-making
PrintManager列印管理程式 PrintManager
警示隨機接達記憶器情況印字 print-on-alarm RAMI
僅印單據 print-only ticket
印出 print-ont
消版用遮片 print-out mask
印打編輯器 print-punch editor,PPE
印輪組合 print-wheel assembly
印輪列印機 print-wheel printer
先 prior
優先 prioritization
優先化 prioritize
優先 priority
優先順序調整 priority adjustment
優先位元 priority bit
優先計算極限 priority calculation limits
優先電路 priority circuits
優先順序控制 priority control
優先控制順序 priority control sequence,PCS
優先調度 priority dispatching
優先序編碼器 priority encoder
優先錯誤印 Priority Error Dump
優先序指示器 priority indicator
優先序岔斷表 priority interrup table
優先中斷控制單元 priority interrupt control unit,PICU
優先中斷控制 priority interrupt control,PIC
優先中斷模組 priority interrupt module,PIM
優先序岔斷系統 priority interrupt system
優先中斷 priority interrupt,PI
優先序岔斷控制器晶片 priority interwpt controller chip
優先反向 priority inversion
優先順序作業 priority job
優先等級資源 priority level resource
優先限 priority limit
優先順序串列 priority list
優先號碼 priority number
高頻詞優先 priority of high frequency word
最後使用詞優先 priority of the latest used word
優先秩序岔斷 priority ordered interrupts
優先導向需求指定 priority oriented demand assignment,PODA
優先相 priority phase
優先處理 priority processing
優先程式正反器 priority program flipflop,PPFF
優先佇列 priority queue
優先權排隊 priority queuing
優先分解器 priority resolver
優先序常式 priority rontine
優先序規則 priority rules
優先排程器 priority scheduler
優先排程 priority scheduling
優先排程系統 priority scheduling system
優先順序選擇 priority selection
優先順序 priority sequence
優先序結構 priority structnre
優先序結構 priority structure
優先裁定電路 priority-arbitration circuit
優先序結構輸出入岔斷系統 priority-structured I/O intcrupt system
囚犯困境 prisoner`s dilemma
初始工具 pristine tool
隱私 privacy
隱私氣息 privacy breath
私密間距 privacy clearance
私密資訊破解 privacy compromise
私密考慮 privacy consideration
隱私增強郵件 privacy enhanced mail,PEM
隱私鍵 privacy key
隱私鎖 privacy lock
用戶隱私 privacy of user
私密政策 privacy policy
私密政策聲明 privacy policy statement
隱私程式 privacy procedure
隱私保護 privacy protection
私密陳述 privacy statement
隱私變換 privacy transformation
私密資訊 privacy-sensitive information
私用 private
私用位址空間 private address space
私用機構 private authority
私用自動分支交換 private automatic branch exchange,PACX
私用自動電腦交換 private automatic computer exchange,PABX
私用自動交換機 private automatic exchange,PAX
私用自動交換系統 private automatic switching system
用戶交換機終選器 private branch exchange final selector,PBXFS
私用分支交換 private branch exchange,PBX
專用集用場 private buffer pool
私用快取記憶體 private cache
專用憑證服務 private certificate services
私用電路 private circuit
私用電路數位資料服務 private circuit digital data service,PCDDS
私用碼 private code
私用元件 private component
專用數據 private data
專用數據網路 private data network
私用定界符 private delimiter
私用領域名稱 private domain name
私用電子交換 private electronic exchange,PEX
私用擴充 private extension
私用網際網路交換機防火牆 private Internet exchange firewall
專用插座 private jack,PJ
專用鍵加密 private key encryption
專用鍵,私有鑰匙,私鑰 private key,PK
專用程館 private library
專線安排 private line arrangement
專用線自動停鈴 private line auto ring down
專用線路介面 private line interface,PLI
專線服務,專線業務 private line service,PLS
專線打字機,專線電傳打字機 private line typewriter,PLT
專用線,專線 private line,PL
專用管理領域 private management domain,PRMD
私用人工分支交換 private manual branch exchange,PMBX
專用行動無線電 private mobile radio
專用網路 private network
專用網路對網路介面;專用網間介面 private network-to-network interface
專用編號計畫 private numbering plan
私用部分 private part
專用區段 private section
私用簽章金鑰 private signature key
私用簽章轉換 private signature transformation
私用式樣 private style
私用電話網路 private telephone network
私用型態 private type
專用平面 private use plane
私用音頻帶網路 private voice-band network
私用卷 private volume
專線網路 private wire network
專用密碼 privated code,PC
專用鍵密碼學 private-key cryptography
私有線路來傳打字機服務 private-line teletypewriter service
特權 privilege
特權存取 privilege access
特權屬性憑證 privilege attribute certificate
特權屬性憑證服務 privilege attribute certificate service
特權類別 privilege class
特權管理基礎建設 privilege management infrastructure
特權帳戶 privileged account
特權命令 privileged command
特權前端 privileged front end
特權指令 privileged instruction
特權指令操作 privileged instruction operation
特權指令模擬 privileged instruction simulation
特權記憶體操作 privileged memory operation,PMO
特權模式 privileged mode
特權處理 privileged process
特權使用者 privileged user
私用線;專線 privte line
有獎節目經紀人 prize broker
專業攝影光碟格式 Pro Photo CD
前瞻型資訊中心 proactive information center
機率演算法 probabilistic algorithm
概率弧 probabilistic arc
機率自動機 probabilistic automaton
機率性資料庫 probabilistic database
機率解碼 probabilistic decoding
概率誤差估計 probabilistic error estimation
概率邏輯 probabilistic logic
機率機 probabilistic machine
概率平行演算法 probabilistic parallel algorithm
概率推理 probabilistic reasoning
概率鬆弛法 probabilistic relaxation
概率系統 probabilistic system
概率測試 probabilistic testing
可能杜林機 probabilistic Turing machine
可能核對證明 probabilistically checkable proof
機率 probability
機率分析 probability analysis
機率分析緊湊法 probability analysis compaction
機率校正 probability correlation
機率密度 probability density
機率密度函數 probability density function,PDF
機率分佈 probability distribution
機率分佈函數 probability distribution function,PDF
機率加密 probability encryption
機率函數 probability function
機率模型 probability model
錯誤機率 probability of error
機率傳播 probability propagation
機率空間 probability space
機率理論 probability theory
可能的誤差 probable error
查驗分析 probate analysis
探針 probe
探針工作 probe job
探針序列 probe sequence
問題 probicm
問題分析 problem analysis
邏輯法問題分析 problem analysis by logical approach,PABLA
問題分析圖 problem analysis diagram,PAD
問題分析法 problem analysis method,PAM
問題行為圖 problem behavior graph
問題板 problem board
問題資料 problem data
問題定義 problem definition
問題相依描述 problem dependent description
問題描述 problem description
問題描述符系統 problem descriptor system,PDS
問題判斷 problem determination
問題確定輔助 problem determination aid
問題決定程序 problem determination procedure
問題確定 problem determination,PD
問題診斷 problem diagnosis
問題檔案 problem file
問題卷 problem folder
問題公式化 problem formulation
問題識別程式 problem identification program,PIP
問題輸入準備 problem input preparation,PIP
問題輸入帶 problem input tape
問題語言 problem language
問題語言分析器 problem language analyzer
問題模態 problem mode
問題導向語言 problem oriented language
問題程式 problem program
問題辨識 problem recognition
問題歸約 problem reduction
問題歸約法 problem reduction approach
問題重構 problem reformulation
問題報告 problem report
問題解答器 problem solver
問題求解 problem solving
問題求解專家 problem solving expertise
問題求解系統 problem solving system
問題空間 problem space
問題態 problem state
問題陳述分析器 problem statement analizer
問題陳述分析程式 problem statement analyzer
問題敘述語言 problem statement language
問題陳述語言 / 問題陳述分析 Problem Statement Language/Problem Statement Analyser
問題狀態 problem status
問題通量 problem throughput
問題時間 problem time
程序分析 procedur analysis
例行和例外測試 procedural and exception test
程序及例外測試 procedural and exceptionn teats
程序段 procedural block
程序內聚 procedural cohesion
程序命令語言 procedural command language
程序控制 procedural control
程序逸出 procedural escape
程序延伸 procedural extension
程序實施方法 procedural implementation method
程序知識 procedural knowledge
程序知識表示法 procedural knowledge representation
程序語言 procedural language
完整性限制的過程語言 procedural language for integrity constraints,PLIC
PL/SQL 語言 procedural language/sql
程序性模型 procedural model
程序性程式設計 procedural programming
程序表示 procedural representation
程序安全 procedural security
程序語意 procedural semantic
程序性語意 procedural semantics
程序測試 procedural testing
程序對宣告 procedural versus declarative
程序 procedure
程序抽象化 procedure abstraction
程序分析 procedure analysis
程序段 procedure block
程序分支敘述 procedure branching statement
程序呼叫 procedure call
程序呼叫/轉回順序 procedure call/return sequence
程序通信 procedure communication
程序資料 procedure data
程序劃分 procedure division
程序檔案 procedure file
程序標頭 procedure heading
程序實施語言 Procedure Implementation Language
程式資訊向量表 procedure information vector table
程序語言,程式導向語言 procedure language
程式等級變換 procedure level transformation
程序庫 procedure library
程序手冊 procedure manual
程序映像 procedure map
程序名稱 procedure name
程序導向 procedure oriented
程序導向設計技術 procedure oriented design technique
程序導向語言 procedure oriented language
程序參考 procedure reference
程序伺服器 procedure server
程序伺服器影像 procedure server image
程序伺服器傳送模組 procedure server transfer module
程序敘述 procedure statement
程序步驟 procedure step
程序次程式 procedure subprogram
程序同步 procedure synchronization
程序(與)系統 procedure systems
程序視窗 procedure window
程序呼叫敘述 procedure-call statement
磁帶反轉 proceed backward magnetic tape
磁帶正轉 proceed forward magnetic tape,PFM
電機工程師學報 proceedings of institute of electrical engineers,PIEEE
處理,過程 process
處理過程(在資料處理系統中) process (in a data processing system)
處理存取組 process access group,PAG
過程可存取段表 process accessible segment table,PAST
過程位址空間 process address space
處理代數 process algebra
處理及實驗自動即時語言 Process and Experiment Automation Real-Time Language
過程組合語言,過程組合器語言 process assembler language,PAL
過程組合 process assembly
過程組合語言 process assembly language,PAL
過程自動化介面 process automation interface,PAI
過程自動化監視器 process automation monitor,PAM
過程自動化 process automation,PA
製版照相機 process camera
過程特性化分析套裝軟體 process characterization analysis package,PCAP
過程圖 process chart
四色彩印 process colour printing
彩印顏色 process colours
處理通信 process communication
過程通信塊遮罩 process communication block mask
過程通信塊 process communication block,PCB
過程通信監督器 process communication supervisor,PCS
過程計算機系統,處理電腦系統 process computer system,PCS
處理內容 process context,PC
過程控制段基底,過程控制塊基底 process control block base,PCBB
過程控制段,過程控制塊 process control block,PCB
處理控制計算機 process control computer
過程控制設備 process control equipment
過程控制語言 process control language,PCL
過程控制處理機 process control processor,PCP
過程控制程式 process control program,PCP
過程控制軟體 process control software
處理控制系統組織 process control system organization
過程控制系統 process control system,PCS
過程控制,處理控制 process control,PC
處理控制器 process controllei
過程描述符 process descriptor
過程調度 process dispatching
過程動態記錄器 process dynamic recorder,PDR
處理元件 process element
處理實體 process entity
處理ETL Process ETL
處理流程圖 process flow chart
過程標頭 process header
過程標頭槽 process header slots
過程輸入輸出通道 process I/O channel
過程輸入輸出段 process I/O segment
處理識別 process ID
過程識別 process identification
過程識別碼 process identification code
處理識別號碼 process identification number
處理識別符 process identifier,PID
處理(本身的)影像 process image
過程索引 process index
過程資訊 process information
過程啟動 process initiation
四色墨 process inks
處理輸入輸出通道 process input/output channel
處理輸入輸出次常式包 process input/output subroutine package
過程輸入輸出 process input/output,PIO
過程儀表數位通信系統 process instruments digital communication system,PIDCOM
過程介面控制 process interface control,PIC
過程介面系統,處理介面系統 process interface system
處理岔斷卡 process interrupt card
過程中斷信號,處理岔斷訊號 process interrupt signal
處理中斷狀態字 process interrupt status word,PISW
處理壽命時間 process life time
過程有限 process limited
處理鏈結 process linkage
處理邏輯 process logic
處理計 process meter
處理遷移 process migration
處理模型 process model
過程名稱 process name
過程導向語言 process oriented language
過程頁表 process page tables
過程永久檔案 process permanent file
過程優先 process priority
過程特權 process privileges
處理最佳化 process ptimization
處理定性推理 process qualitative reasoning
處理再工程 process reengineering
過程排程 process scheduling
過程排程政策 process scheduling policy
過程區段 process section
過程區段表 process section table
處理單 process sheet
處理單號碼 process sheet number
過程空間 process space
處理生出 process spawning
過程特別字元 process special character
過程規格 process specifications
處理狀態 process state
過程研究 process study
處理符號 process symbol
過程同步 process synchronization
過程表 process table
處理時間 process time
處理變遷 process transition
處理均勻性 process uniformity
處理單位 process unit
可處理表格 processable form
可處理劃線卡 processable scored card
處理控制類比模組 process-control analog modules
工業處理控制 processcontrol industrial
處理控制環路 process-control loop
已處理事件 processed event
已處理項目 processed items
處理及操作方法 processes and methods of operation
處理 processing
處理放大器 processing amplifier
處理與控制元件 processing and control element,PCE
處理容量 processing capacity
處理控制順序 processing control sequence
處理控制表 processing control table,PCT
處理元件記憶體 processing element memory,PEM
處理元件 processing element,PE
處理故障 processing failure
處理指令 processing instruction
處理屬性 processing intent
處理項 processing item
處理等級 processing level
處理極限 processing limit
處理列表 processing list
處理負載 processing load
處理管理器 processing manager
處理模式 processing mode
處理多線式 processing multithread
處理節點 processing node
數與量之處理 processing of numbers and quantities
處理選項 processing options
處理計畫 processing plan
處理程式 processing program
處理率 processing ratio
處理區段 processing section
處理步驟 processing step
處理時間 processing time
處理單位 processing unit
處理記憶開關表示法 process-memory-switch representation
處理機,處理器 processor
處理器分配 processor allocation
處理機基本指令 processor basic instructions
處理器連結 processor binding
處理機限制 processor bound
處理機時鐘 processor clock
處理器一致性模型 processor consistency model
處理器控制台 processor console
處理器控制台時鐘 processor console clock
處理器控制卡 processor control cards,PCC
處理器控制程式 processor control program,PCP
處理器控制單元 processor control unit,PCU
處理器週期 processor cycle
處理機週期時間 processor cycle time
處理器定義函數,處理器定義功能 processor defined function,PDF
處理器元件 processor element
處理器元件記憶體 processor element memory,PEM
處理機錯誤 processor error interrupt
處理機評估模組 processor evaluation modul
處理機場 processor farm
處理機前端 processor front-end
處理機輸入輸出 processor input/output,PIO
處理機輸出入通道 processor input-output
處理器介面控制器 processor interface controller,PIC
處理器介面模組 processor interface module,PIM
處理器介面常式 processor interface routine
處理機介面常式 processor interface routines
處理器介面 processor interface,PI
處理機介面 processor interfact
處理器中斷 processor interrupt
處理機岔斷晶片 processor interrupt chips
處理機岔斷能力 processor interrupt facility
處理器限制的 processor limited
處理器區域儲存位址暫存器 processor local storage address register,PLSA
處理機管理 processor management
處理器記憶體 processor memory
處理器記憶體增強 processor memory enhancement,PME
處理機模組 processor module
處理器選項 processor option
處理機組織 processor organization
處理器輸出測試 processor output test
處理機對 processor pair
微處理機效能指標 processor performance,P-rating
處理機週邊 processor peripheral
處理機特權狀態 processor privilege states
處理器暫存器 processor register
處理器排程器 processor scheduler
處理器排程 processor scheduling
處理器序號 processor serial number
處理器堆疊指標 processor stack pointer
處理機狀態字 processor state word
處理器狀態 processor status
處理器狀態長字 processor status long word,PSL
處理器狀態字 processor status word,PSW
處理器儲存器 processor storage
處理器系統塑模語言 processor system modeling language
處理機時間 processor time
處理器時效 processor time efficiency
處理器裝置 processor unit
處理器裝置控制面板 processor unit control panel
處理器利用率 processor utilization
處理機動詞 processor verbs
處理機封控制器 processor vs. controller
處理機控制器應用 processor-controller application
處理機相關岔斷 processor-dependent interrapt
處理定向模型 process-oriented model
Procomm 程式 Procomm
Procrustes 字串 Procrustean string
採購部門 procurement division,PD
製作人;監製人 producer
生產者與消費者問題 producer/consumer problem
製作人/導演 producer/director
產品,乘積 product
產品啟動 Product Activation
產品管理與合約控制 product administration and contract control,PACC
產品分析員 product analyst,PA
乘積區 product area
產品保證 product assurance
產品認證 product certification
乘積加密 product cipher
產品碼 product code
產品成本 product cost
產品成本模擬 product cost simulation
產品成本更新報表 product cost update report
產品成本計算 product costing
產品資料管理 product data management
產品資料標示語言 product data markup language
產品開發 product development
產品開發系統 product development system,PDS
產品差異化 product differentiation
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